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Many companies are using phone interviews as the first step in the interviewing process. While you might think a phone interview is much easier than a face to face interview, it can be quite the opposite. Considering the fact that the hiring manager cannot see you the only thing they have to base their assumptions on are your phone skills. What are these skills might you ask? Well check out our phone interviewing best practices below and you will blow the hiring manager away with your charisma, confidence, and high energy!

Phone Interviewing

Be Prepared
• Make sure you are in a quiet place so that you can talk freely with no distractions.
• Be out of bed and dressed before the interviewer calls. You would be surprised how much an interviewer can tell about you over the phone.
• Do some research, eat at the restaurant concept, see what the company is all about to ask questions.
• Have your resume/employment history by the phone or in a place that is easily accessible.
• Have a note pad or paper with you to ask questions or take notes.
While You Are Talking…
• Keep a glass of water close by.
• Be positive and show high energy.
• Even though the interviewer cannot see you, smiling will help project a positive image.
• If there is a bad connection ask them to call back or ask if you can call them back.
• Avoid interrupting the person doing the interviewing. Wait for them to ask the entire question.
• Take your time with your answers. It is ok to think about what you want to say.
• Show genuine passion about the brand.
• Do not smoke or chew gum during the interview.
• Don’t use foul language.
Facts Tell Stories Sell
• Tell specific and real life stories that show your expertise.
• Be prepared to talk numbers: sales, food and labor costs, and profits that you managed.
Leave a Lasting Impression
• Ask the interviewer for their contact information.
• Send a thank you letter or email to the interviewer.
• It is ok to ask the interviewer at the end of the interview: “Where do we go from here?”.
• Thank them for the opportunity.
We Believe in YOU!! Go Get Em!!

TAGS: Interview, job seeker
