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The Conscious Candidate: Understanding the Trilogy of Time

One of the greatest ways a candidate can convey self-awareness in an interview is to be able to understand and clearly communicate all the aspects of their past, what has made them who they are and their vision, for where they want to go.

This relationship of the past, the present and the future is what I call the trilogy of time.

PAST: The conscious candidate can speak clearly about their past failures and their past successes in their work. In regards to mistakes made, the conscious candidate will be able to pinpoint the details of what they would do differently. They will not pass the buck and they will show willingness to learn from the experience. They will, essentially, be able to make lemonade out of lemons. The conscious candidate will also be able to talk about their success. They will able to articulate the importance of those who have mentored them and made them a better leader. They will be able to pinpoint the types of environments that they are most successful in and the essence of a job that they find most rewarding. Ultimately, the conscious candidate will be able to communicate exactly what of their past career highs and lows have taught them about who they are in the present moment.

PRESENT: The conscious candidate is highly aware of who they are in the current season of life. They must be able to speak to their specific motives of career change. They must have consciousness and intentionality about why they are seeking a specific company they are interviewing for. They must be aware of the aspects of the organization they are trying to join and connect the dots as to how that organization and themselves are a great fit. To do so, the conscious candidate must have done their homework on the organization they are interviewing with and have taken the time to retreat and reflect on who they have become through the journey of their career.

FUTURE: The conscious candidate must have vision for the future and be equipped to clearly communicate where they want to be in their career in the future. There is a fine line between realistic ambition and over ambition. Just the right level of ambition can be a great selling point to a prospective employer, while over ambition will concern the hiring manager that the candidate might be a flight risk and will minimize offers. Patience and desire to absorb as much as possible are traits that are highly desired. The conscious candidate will have thought out how they want to convey the vision of growth for themselves and their future. They should do so in light of the research they have done on the organization so that their growth plan is feasible for the organization.

The conscious candidate is prepared, intentional, and aware. Understanding your past work experiences, your skill set that has been derived from these experiences, who you are today because of these experiences and detailing a vision that is consistent with the structure of an organization will help you ACE that interview and increase great opportunity.

Connect with AGI Hospitality so we can help you gain better awareness around who you are and how you can better your opportunities today!

