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As we say goodbye to the year 2015, we consider (and hope) for what 2016 will bring. Resolutions are made, whether that means losing extra weight brought on from holiday goodies, starting school, spending more quality time with family or saving more money for that dream vacation… we’ve all got something we want to accomplish next year!

A recent survey asked 2,300 people if they were happy with their job. A surprising 43% were unhappy and wanted to change something; more money, more time at home, advancement, growth, development.

If you are one of those individuals unhappy with your current situation, consider adding a new career to your 2016 resolutions. A new year is a new beginning for our GREAT employers with budgets, territories and unfilled needs.

We’ve got the opportunities and are happy to walk along side of you in your career path to find you a career that offers more money, better advancement, growth prospects and added time with your family.

We wish you the happiest of holidays and happy beginnings to your 2016!

