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Teams Work Together

Working Teams Can Find the Right Balance

Is there some magic behind excellent working teams?  Replace the word “magic” with the word “strategy,” and your team will get closer to the right balance!  By incorporating the right elements, it is achievable.

John McCarthy, President/CEO of AGI Hospitality Recruiting, recently spoke to a local group of Restaurateurs about the importance of addressing employee retention.  Drawn out from the larger presentation, we have isolated the  elements to make them available in brief podcasts (mp3 format) for your listening convenience.

While the podcasts are short, they are packed with insightful and smart strategies.   Leaders within the hospitality industry (or any industry) should consider these tactics to improve their employee retention and staff performance issues.  Listen to them as much as you need, and share them as often as you would like.  They make sense, cost little or no money to implement, and will make a huge difference in your company’s culture.

If you are an employee of a company that should consider these ideas, perhaps you could think about introducing them to your manager.  The majority of companies are appreciative of helpful suggestions from their employees.

Click on each podcast link below to listen:

1 Turnover Explained

2 Motivation of Employees

3 Company Culture

4 Foundation of High Retention Culture

5 Trust and Autonomy

6 Embrace Healthy Feedback

7 Continual Training and Development

8 Employment Branding

Do you have any additional insights to share with us?  We are interested.  You can email John McCarthy directly at john@agimanagement.com with your comments.  We hope you will invite others to listen by passing along this blog’s link!  Thank you!


