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A Summation of thoughts from the managers themselves

I recently asked our Linkedin Network “What is the number one most important quality in a GREAT MANAGER?” The responses were very diverse and intuitive. These results were based on real life experience from those that have managed and been managed. Here were the qualities of a GREAT MANAGER that were shared:

  • Patienceproject-management-page23-thumb
  • Results
  • Ability to train
  • Ability to listen / Learn more
  • Being Able to Adapt
  • Creativity
  • Vision
  • Focus on People

So what follows is a summation of my thoughts around what a GREAT MANAGER might look like using these qualities as the guiding force. The hope is that the input from the Subject Matter Experts that contributed can provide insight that can help us all better be the manager we want to be in every aspect of our business, family life and community:

At the highest level a GREAT MANAGER is able to have strong VISION. To have this VISION a manager must be able to see outside themselves, have humility and gather input from all sources around them. The ABILITY TO LISTEN AND LEARN MORE is a key element in being able to discern a best course to set the VISION. Without the ability to be emotionally and practically in tune with the collective desires of your team the VISION you cast will just be yours; however, casting a SHARED VISION can help drive results and motivate beyond any factor. Once a GREAT MANAGER has buy in on a SHARED VISION the ABILITY TO TRAIN will be the critical factor. I find that the most difficult part of developing the ABILITY TO TRAIN is PATIENCE.   With almost every definition I looked at for patience there was one common denominator and that is the presence of adversity. Patience is almost always spoken of when the desired outcome or environment is not reality. I would conclude that a GREAT MANAGER must have a strong ABILITY TO ADAPT when the right environment is not present. PATIENCE is a character trait, but the outcome of GREAT PATIENCE and the ability to cast SHARED VISION is the ABILITY to ADAPT.

Some GREAT management strategies are changing because of the influx of technology and the generational diversity amongst our workforce. While some of the GREAT management strategies are still foundational, GREAT managers must be CREATIVE in their approach to casting VISION and motivating towards RESULTS. When the rubber meets the road the effectiveness of a manager will always be determined by the RESULTS they achieve, but let us not be short sighted on RESULTS. The BEST MANAGERS are able to see beyond short term gains and realize that RESULTS are about the PEOPLE they have around them. Sometimes the seeds a GREAT MANAGER plants within their team might take time to fruit. A GREAT MANAGER can have VISION beyond today and PATIENCE for others to develop. Without people you cannot lead, so GREAT MANAGERS are able to determine RESULTS not only by measuring ROI (Return on Investment) but also ROI (Return on Involvement).

Becoming and being a GREAT MANAGER is not by accident. We must all continue to utilize each other’s experiences to adapt our skills. I want to thank all of you who have chimed in and ask that you please continue to chime so we can all learn from the common desire to be a GREAT MANAGER in all aspects of life!





