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lemonWe all make mistakes; however, how we view those mistakes in our career can greatly alter who we become as professionals. We talk with managers almost everyday whom have been terminated from previous positions. It is very common to hear these individuals stumble upon the reasoning as to why they were let go, so in each case we like to coach on best practices on how to market yourself when being terminated. The general question we always ask is “what did you learn from this scenario?” Most candidates then start to realize how that adversity has shaped them to be a stronger manager. It is very marketable to any employer to see a potential manager that has learned from their mistakes and will most likely not repeat the mistake that had previously been made. Owning up to mistakes is also a desired trait that employer seek in employees. You need not dwell on a circumstance that you were terminated for in an interview; however, being able to directly communicate the lesson learned can have a strong impact for marketing yourself.

Remember, we all make mistakes, but I assure you hiring managers love lemonade so be diligent in processing those lemons for a positive career transition!

